Have you ever won a trophy, and would the activity surprise your friends? What was the trophy and when did you earn it?

This month, Good News Wants to Know… Have you ever won a trophy, and would the activity surprise your friends? What was the trophy and when did you earn it?

Steve Daigle

There is a trophy I received that would definitely surprise my friends. I am about as far from a fisherman as possible. One day, our church had a fishing fellowship with some of our leaders that were good fishermen. We had a competition for who could catch the biggest fish and the one time they allowed me to reel in something from the shore, I caught a 70-pound spinner shark. It was challenging and rewarding to reel this in and I could not believe that on my first time fishing, I caught a shark. This should be an encouragement for us all who are called to be fishers of men, to never be afraid to cast out our line, you never know who or what you will catch. 
Steve Daigle, Campus Pastor, Calvary Chapel Parkland

Bernard King Sr.

Your Good News question of the month moves me down memory lane to the Glory Days of the Gridiron. In my final year on the Football team at Syracuse University, the coaching staff and team honored me by awarding me the Ben Schwartzwalder Award/Trophy. This award was given to the athlete deemed as the most rugged, physical and gritty player on the squad.

Bernard King Sr., Pastor, Cornerstone Bible Fellowship

William “Bill” C. Davell

A long, long time ago, in a land far away, I won a wrestling trophy in a weekend tournament. This may surprise my friends, especially the Editor of the Good News.

William “Bill” C. Davell, Director, Tripp Scott

Bob Denison

Zero trophies. I was that kid. Barely on the wrong side of the ‘every-kid-getting-a-trophy-for-showing-up’ era. Mediocre at all things baseball. Excellent at all things baseball cards. One time in the 5th grade I got a Lime Green Ribbon for an egg toss. My parents did most of the work; recruiting the best yacht designers of the time. We ended up with an egg in a jar of peanut butter. And a Lime Green Ribbon.

Bob Denison, President, Denison Yachting

Chip LaMarca

Having the privilege of serving in public office has afforded me many opportunities to receive awards and honors. That said, the trophy that most people would not expect me to have received is for AAU swimming on the Pine Crest Swim Team many, many years ago. It was for the 50 yd butterfly stroke – not what you would have guessed for someone that does not resemble Michael Phelps in the wingspan category!

Chip LaMarca, State Representative, Florida House District 100

Craig D. Huston

I have won several baseball trophies, but the one that may surprise my friends most might be a trophy for winning a billiards tournament in Arizona.

Craig D. Huston, Summit Achievers

Deborah Cusick

I won a trophy in a tennis tournament many years ago. It wouldn’t surprise my friends since most know I spent 13 wonderful years as a teaching tennis professional.

Deborah Cusick, FAU Campus Volunteer, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship

Dennis DeMarois

When I was a senior in high school, I was one of a handful of students in Palm Beach and Martin Counties selected for the Palm Beach Post’s Pathfinders Award. I was a single young adult living on my own, working at a local grocery store before school hours, and finishing strong after having to go to summer school my junior year. A big turnaround, fessing up to youthful mischievousness, paying for the consequences, and making life changes that led to productive/positive future. Grateful!

Dennis DeMarois, Executive Director/CEO, Gathering Palm Beach County

Dolores King-St. George

I believe in recognizing good achievement. However, I think trophies, awards, ribbons, plaques are given away too easily for everything, so yes, I have received some. Most were from business or leadership organizations, one was from a talent show when I was a kid, one was from streetcar racing, and one from a tennis match for charity but my partner was the star of that match. I love the line in the hymn, The Old Rugged Cross: “So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross, Till my trophies at last I lay down.” Earthly trophies are fun at the time, but our great trophy is eternal life with the Lord.

Dolores KingSt. George, King Communications and GraceNet Media

Don Campion

Just last month I visited a mission station in the bush in Nigeria and the chief of the village had a surprise birthday party for me where I was awarded 3 trophies from different groups for reaching 70 years old.

Life expectancy in Nigeria is 58 so they felt I earned extraordinary recognition.  

Don Campion, President, Banyan Air Service, and Team Lead, Egbe Medical Mission

Fidel Gomez

As far as I can remember the only trophy I’ve ever won was in 1975 (yes, there were cars back in those days). I played in a softball tournament and had a batting average of 750 over a 7-game stretch. We lost the tournament in a terrible fashion, but I got the batting title trophy. I know, not very illustrious. I thank our Great God that there is a heavenly reward that awaits us that far outweighs anything that this world can bring. Thank you, Lord. 1 Corinthians 9:24-25, 1 Peter 1:4, 1 Thessalonians 2:19

Fidel Gomez, Assistant Pastor, Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale

Gregg Wallick

In my senior year I won:  The most valuable back for the University of Miami Football Team. 

Gregg Wallick, President, Best Roofing

Helen Wayner P.A.

Trophies are a wonderful reminder of successes in life. Humbly, yes I’ve received several over the years for top lister/buyer’s agent and top sales. The real trophies are the relationships we build in our lifetime. The people we touch through word, kindness, monetary and care. They will always remember you. 

Helen Wayner P.A., Century 21 Hansen Realty 

Jesse Carroccio

I spent some time in a sales position and was given an award as one of the top salesmen in the U.S. However, God challenged me that I was called to share the Gospel and not to sell. I took the leap and have never regretted it. 

Jesse Carroccio, Station Manager, WRMB Moody Radio

Dr. Jessica Vera

I have won trophies, but the most notable trophy was for a cooking competition as part of the NCF leadership training program a few years ago. Anyone who knows me knows my father is a chef, my mom’s cuisine is amazing, and I am the only girl of five siblings. All four of my brothers can create culinary masterpieces. I can follow instructions, but that special talent for condiment and innovation with food is a gift I do not possess. 

Dr. Jessica Vera, President and CEO, Elite Foundation

Justus Martin

If a trophy is a bequeathed token for an achievement, then I suppose I’ve had couple over the years. Trophies like a college degree with highest honors or receiving the title to my car after I paid it off… haha! The only real trophy I ever received was for a tiny bike race when I was just a lad… and everyone got trophies. 

Justus Martin, Photographer, Justus Martin Photography

Ken Kerrigan

When I was a young boy, I won first place in a talent show at the local city recreation center. I did the “Robot” dance to the Jackson Five’s song “Dancing Machine.” I can’t help but thank the Lord that there were no cell phones or portable video cameras back then. While it was a joyful moment, having it immortalized in video might have made it more embarrassing in hindsight. Instead, it remains a cherished memory, preserved in the warmth and nostalgia of my mind, free from the scrutiny of modern technology.

Ken Kerrigan, Pastor, Calvary Chapel Cornerstone Church

Laura C. Bishop

I was very proud of my trophy for mountain biking racing I won when I was eight!

Laura C. Bishop, Executive Vice President of Development, Palm Beach Atlantic University

Larry Lacy

Um…not a trophy but an award. 

Larry Lacy, Pastor, The Answer Church

Dr. Mary Drabik

I think people would be surprised to know that in high school I won a trophy for archery, scoring the most bullseyes. Archery requires precision, focus, and skill. It’s definitely not a common high school activity for many, so winning a trophy for it would likely surprise some people. 

Dr. Mary Drabik, President, South Florida Bible College & Theological Seminary

Oksana Horton

At the age of 10 I had taken a summer art course at a nearby school. As part of the course, I painted a pastel of three young Ukrainian carolers carrying a replica of the star of Bethlehem. To my surprise – and shock – my artwork won an award and was displayed in the City of Cleveland Ohio Art Exhibit.

Oksana Horton, Artistic Director, Torch and Trumpet Theatre Company

A trophy I received that stands out the most to me was initiated by our dear friend Les Feldman… He would always say “Coach, every time I see you, you are presenting someone with a gold medal or a trophy, (children and adults alike.)” Of course, it was a great compliment that Les saw me that way. So our Saints Staff capitalized on that thought and had a trophy designed that read “This Award goes to Coach Rick Andreassen who has presented more Trophies and Gold Medals than anyone else we know!!” I was the one MOST surprised… I can’t help but say: “if I were to be remembered for nothing else…that certainly would be the greatest honor I could receive”!!! Thank you, Les, for ALWAYS seeing the best in others!!

Coach Rick Andreassen, Founder/President, SAINTS International Sports Ministry and SAINTS Homeschool P.E.

Dr. Scott Manor

As a teen, one trophy that I received that surprised my parents (and me) for a few years in a row was an award for best vocalist in the high school choir. Anyone who has heard me sing would realize this only shows how bad our choir was and has nothing to do with actual skill.

Dr. Scott Manor, President, Professor of Historical Theology, Knox Theological Seminary

Read last month’s GNWTK at: https://www.goodnewsfl.org/good-news-wants-to-know-advice/



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