I’m Gonna Let it Shine

If you attended Sunday school as a young child, it was an easy environment in which to proclaim your love for Christ. Your teachers, friends and parents all talked about Jesus, and identifying yourself as a Christian was easy and comfortable. Remember the lyrics to the children’s song, “This Little Light of Mine?” Your light was going to shine for him. And no one and nothing was going to blow it out. But as you grew up, shouting your love for Jesus from the rooftops may not have been as easy. There were other things to worry about, like fitting […]

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The Davids and Goliaths

Weird. Nerd. Fat. Ugly. Just words? Maybe. But when used to hurt someone else, words become devastating and painful. Words become objects thrown at a child, transforming his or her life forever. Bullying. It’s something that happens on the playground. It’s something that happens on the bus. It happens on the playing field and in the classroom. It happens through email, text messaging and social networks. It can even happen in a child’s home. Bullying has been around for as long as we can remember. It is recorded as far back as biblical times. Remember Goliath? He was a bully. […]

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