Is Bible Reading Really Important?

I will give one hundred dollars to the first person who can find one of the two following verses in the Bible with these exact words: “The lion shall lay down with the lamb” or “Spare the rod, spoil the child.” However, no matter how hard you look, you will not find either of them in the Bible in this form. They do not exist. Now whether or not you knew that fact, we as Christians ought to be in God’s Word on a daily basis. We have to be in the Word and bind it to our hearts and […]

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Having “The Talk” with Your Kids

“As long as it’s consensual, you can have sex with whomever you want of whatever gender you want or identity you want. And it might be before marriage and it might not. All of which is totally natural, and okay, and healthy,” proclaimed my high school’s award-winning newspaper. As I talked to other students about the article, I was dismayed to discover that all of the people I talked to responded positively to it – this is the perspective and change they hoped to see in American health education. They wanted more gay rights, little to no emphasis on abstinence […]

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Easy Ways to Go Green

Christians are often looked down upon by the secular world because of a historically held belief that humans “reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth” (Genesis 1:26). While this is true, both Christians and non-Christians alike have sometimes misconstrued this verse as having a mandate to exploit the earth and its resources as we see fit. In Leviticus 25:23-24, God clearly states that, “The land is mine and you reside in my land as foreigners and strangers … you must provide for the redemption of the […]

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Long Distance Love

Whether it is a consequence of work, college or the pursuit of other endeavors, long-distance relationships are becoming more popular. In fact, according to Statistic Brain, it is estimated that 4 to 4.5 million non-married college couples and 3.75 million married couples are in a long-distance relationship. Nevertheless, being in a long-distance relationship is still challenging. Even with the phone, the internet and the ease of flight, it is still very difficult to cultivate and maintain a healthy relationship from afar. Here are some tips that make a long-distance relationship sustainable. Do not put your life on hold Just because […]

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Engaging Your Teens

“Who is to blame for the inception of slavery, class?” asked my European teacher one day in class. “The Bible!” exclaimed one of the students. Much to my disbelief, the teacher cheerfully agreed: “Of course, it’s always the Bible.” For months now I had been told by both my peers and teachers that Christians were to blame for the world’s environmental problems, delayed scientific achievements, wars, ignorance, and now social injustices. Although all of these negative connotations of Christianity had been implied throughout my years of public schooling, only in the past year did I realize that people were now […]

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Emmazing Grace: Answering the Call

Have you seen a 12-year-old girl lately? If so, they were probably texting on their shiny new cell phone, watching a movie at the movie theater, shopping at name brand stores with their mothers, or belting out lyrics to the latest Billboard Hot 100 song from the car next to you at the red light. But, have you ever met a 12-year-old girl attempting to change the world? Well, if you have had the pleasure of meeting Emma Rice, then you certainly have. Emma Rice is a normal 12-year-old girl who enjoys dancing to music, making arts and crafts, hanging […]

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Invisible Accountability

America stood in awe on March 8, 2012 when Invisible Children’s KONY 2012 video reached over 50 million views after only three days on YouTube. After watching the film, each and every observer was left with shocking clips and images of Joseph Kony’s inexorable mission: to “purify” the Acholi people of Uganda. Joseph Kony, the leader of a Ugandan guerrilla group known as the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), has been attempting to achieve this mission by abducting children from their homes, arming them with weapons, and forcing them to not only abduct other children, but even to kill their own […]

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