Factors to Consider When Choosing a College

Which job should I take? What car should I buy? Should I do this…or…not? Is this the right person for me…to marry? Should I go to college and earn a degree? And, which college is best for me? “Ahhh! What do ‘You’ want me to do Oh God? “   Jeremiah was an Old Testament prophet familiar with hearing God’s voice, who asked for His guidance. It might be helpful to consider including his words in a prayer for God’s direction in life as well. “O Lord, I know it is not within the power of man to map his […]

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What Makes us Laugh Out Loud

Oddly enough, a professor of psychology by the name of Richard Wiseman (yes, wise-man) made a resolution in 2002 to discover the world’s funniest joke! Ha! What did he do to make his resolution happen? He created a website called LaughLab.co.uk in collaboration with the British Science Association and asked people to send their favorite funny jokes. He also asked them to rate jokes posted on the site. Can you imagine being the doctor whose job was reading funny jokes for a whole year (over 40,000 of them)? To help him keep up with the stressful, demanding schedule, Dr. Wiseman […]

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Help for Dads and Moms to Change Kids’ Behavior

  “I’ve tried everything!” said Maria. “Discipline plans, behavior methods, every program I can find, but the kids are still not well behaved! What’s the secret? Can you help me, please?” In this case Maria was a teacher. Dr. Pearson, our visiting professor and a successful principal in K-12 education, responded, “Tell me what you’re doing now with your kids and how well it’s working.” Maria shared; she used a large chart posted up front with the kids’ names listed. Each student was given 10 points in the morning. During the day, points were taken away for misbehavior. “And how […]

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Getting Back to Fulfilling Your Dream

“We were returning from a cross-country hike to our camp at Red Can Lake. The acres of glaciated granite all looked the same to me but I wasn’t worried. Walt knew the way. All I had to do was stick close. Then Walt surprised me. ‘Want to lead for a while?’ he offered. ‘I guess,’ I said, and took off in the wrong direction. Walt followed me for a quarter of a mile as I led us further and further off course. Finally, he stopped me. ‘Actually the lake is over there.’ We switched roles.” (Mauryrobertson.com) People actually perish without […]

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How Does Instinct Affect a Child’s Behavior and Learning

Newly hatched sea turtles crawl up through the sand, and run lickety-split straight to the ocean. Their mother is gone; no one taught them to do that; it’s instinct. Newborn baby kangaroos instinctively climb into their mother’s pouch, different species of birds display amazingly diverse nest building habits, and the fighting and courtship behaviors of every living creature is happening all over the planet…by instinct. An instinct is an un-learned behavior, a fixed action pattern (FAP). Someone asked me this month, “How does instinct affect my child’s learning?” Beautiful question! This is at the heart of my doctoral studies (EdS, […]

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The Secret Ingredient of a Strong Soul

“I wonder where I’ll be, and what I’ll be doing ten years from now.”  Did you ever say that? I’m saying it to myself right now. We were created to grow; our life is growth. James Allen said in his famous book As a Man Thinketh, “Man is a growth by law.” As we’re growing from here to there, the challenge is to face two essential things. “And let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9). And there’s the challenge; sow and faint not! Are you like […]

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Trends and Insights for Millennials

When Grandma can’t figure out how to work that Smart Phone, what can she do? She simply asks her 5-year-old grandson or grand-daughter to help. They can do it. No problem. And when Grandpa was a boy, the comic book creators newly introduced the hero detective Dick Tracy…who actually had a telephone on his wrist. Ooooo! That was fantastic science fiction to Grandpa. Today, calling on the phone from the car is so the norm. We don’t even think about it. Technology on the wrist is our reality, now available at the local phone store. Grandpa thought Dick Tracy was […]

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Do You Hear What I Hear?

  It will surely happen: I know it! Promptly on January 1, 2016, the annual countdown will begin! Sometime during that day, without warning, a cheery, sweet voice will indubitably say, “Only 11 more months to Christmas dear!” It happens every year, and then…all year.   My Christmas fanatic! I live with a Christmas fanatic, a holiday zealot, an ardent Adventist! She’s wholeheartedly committed and engaged with the impact and message of the Christmas season…and can’t seem to get enough of it! Yes, Christmas in July is something like the beginning of the runway toward the November takeoff into the […]

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New Prayer App Invites God into the Action

This may shock you, so hang on. According to many theologians, Biblical research reveals that prayer does NOT change things. Now, please catch your spiritual breath and allow for a short explanation. Praying goes beyond a presentation of problems and troubles. Praying does something else. Biblical prayer asks for God to come on the scene and activate His goodness. The first request of The Lord’s Prayer is “Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). Without asking for His will to be done, God is shut out of the game and kept on the […]

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Recognizing Ministry Champions during Pastor Appreciation Month

The U.S. Tennis Open Championship awards and celebration went over the top this September with prize money totaling $34,242,000! Novak Djokovic won his 10th Grand Slam title. All of the champions in the games now are known nationwide. These professionals became champions. They had to learn to enjoy the game to do it professionally. But the years before the 2015 games were filled with long hours of focus and effort. That means they practiced when it was hot, so hot that no-one else was out there sweating their game. They practiced when all they could find was a machine to […]

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