Evolution Versus Creation – Is it Worth the Fight?

shutterstock_407889778As Christians we are told to always be prepared to give a defense for our faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior. (1 Peter 3:15) This also extends to the truths that are found in the Bible. One of the most “popular” defenses is standing on the conviction that our universe was created by God as opposed to the Big Bang Theory followed by the evolution of man. While the latter view has not been proven, public opinion has embraced it as fact. As children we are taught in our public schools that this viewpoint is scientific proof. So it is understandable that the majority of people do not believe in a God-created universe. Because of this, Christians often come under attack for our biblical stance. And because none of us from either camp was an eyewitness to the beginning of our world, the debate can sometimes get fierce.


What difference does it make?

For many the answer to the great Creation vs. Evolution debate is paramount in regards to their faith in God. Does the origin of our existence create a stumbling block for these people to believe the Bible is God’s Word? And the even deeper question: Is there even a God? Even some Christians have walked away from their faith because they cannot reconcile in their minds that the universe could be created supernaturally. But aren’t both sides of the debate promoting a “supernatural” occurrence? Why is it harder to believe the universe was created through intelligent design rather than by a random act in an uncreated cosmos? It appears there is more faith required to believe our intricate bodies came about from the ‘primordial soup’ scientists talk about rather than a Higher Being crafting the human form in His image. (Genesis 1:27) While many look for their universal truths in scientists — who, being humans, are by nature fallible themselves, Christians look to God, the Supreme Being, for universal truths. In Romans 1:19-25 we are told “that which is known about God is evident within them (us); for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” His truths are imprinted on our hearts and we need only to look at the natural world to see His hand in it all. So why do we insist on looking to imperfect humans for these truths?


Why is this important?

Again, the importance seems to lie in the most basic of questions: Is there a God? There seems to be an innate longing in us to have proof of a Creator/God. Those who try to disprove His existence actually open the doors of communication for the opposite to be presented to them. Pastor Scott Baugh of Journey Church saw just how great this hunger is through his recent series entitled “The Reasoning” which generated the largest attendance and was most watched of his church teachings. This 8-week series that started on April 3, dives deep into this longing we each have and the importance of having proof. He combines beautifully both the scientific discoveries as well as the spiritual implications of our existence through God rather than hypothetical acts of randomness. A brief outline of the 5 reasons he gives for the importance of a world created by God rather than by evolution and chance are these:

  1. If created for a purpose, we in essence have a purpose in life.
  2. If created in the image of God, we are valuable beings.
  3. If God exists, there is a moral order and things are not relative or chaotic.
  4. If there is a Higher Power, we are not alone and He cares for us.
  5. If we are more than just bodies, we have a soul—which means there is life after death.

There is a meaning to our lives — one that cannot be found if we are random acts of nature. By believing in a universe that was formed by mere chance, there would be no purpose for us — no intrinsic value outside of being just another by-product of other things created in the universe. If we are just “evolved animals” as evolutionists say, then there is no soul. And if there is no soul, when we die we return to dust from whence we came. There would be no afterlife. Our human bodies would just cease to exist — end of story. There would be no hope of seeing loved ones who passed on before us; no reason to live a moral life; basically no reason for our existence. In essence, there’d be no hope.


Hope:  the greatest reason of all

Perhaps the greatest reason to defend our belief in a God-created universe to that of random occurrences is that of hope. Christians believe that because God has wonderfully and fearfully made each one of us, He loves us. And this love, which is beyond human understanding, fills us with joy and hope of being with our Creator, our Heavenly Father, for eternity. But because He created us out of love, He gives us the choice to be with Him or reject Him.  This is the reason He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die in our place so that we may have eternal life with Him. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16). The choice is yours.

So what will you believe — a loving God who created you uniquely and for His purpose or that your existence is part of a mass by-product evolving from an explosion of gas?

To watch the “Reasoning” series, go to www.GoJourneyChurch.com.


Chris Alexander is a freelance writer, mixed media artist, traveler and songwriter. Contact her at [email protected].

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