Students Recognized with Step Up For Students Rising Star Awards

Khloe Deraco, Ava Gunter, Amanda Torres, Lucas Torres

Living Water Christian Academy celebrated the remarkable achievements of three exceptional students, Khloe Deraco, Ava Gunter, and Lucas Torres recently. These bright stars have been nominated and chosen to shine brilliantly at the prestigious Step Up For Students Rising Star Awards Ceremony! Khloe stands out for her incredible growth in reading, Ava’s heart of gold and exemplary character make her dazzle, and Lucas shines with his outstanding prowess in mathematics! Their dedication, hard work, and talent have earned them this well-deserved recognition.

Dr. Amanda Torres, Principal, said, “We are immensely proud of their accomplishments and the positive impact they’ve made within our LWCA community. As they stepped onto the stage to receive their awards, they carried with them not only our admiration but most importantly the light of Jesus, illuminating their paths and inspiring others to follow. We are so proud of Khloe, Ava, and Lucas for their commitment to excellence and for being shining examples of what can be achieved with faith and determination. Congratulations on this extraordinary honor!”
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